Friday, December 23, 2011

Meet JoeReviewer

Hello Internet! My name is JoeReviewer. You can call me Joe, but not Reviewer, cause that's too generic.

Anyways, welcome to Paragoomba Shift. I hope you've enjoyed what you've seen so far, whether you're seeing this place for the first time or if your from the MYSTICAL FUTURE! But enough about that, let's talk about me.

If school has taught me anything it's that it's nearly impossible to speak about oneself without sounding conceded, so given how incredibly awesome I am this may sound a bit pretentious, so apologies en avance.

Okay, focus time. Who am I? I am but a mild-mannered person who plays video games and thinks he's got some important things to say about them A.K.A. this blog. As far as these games go, I'm really a Nintendo guy, but I'm not afraid to dabble into other markets and I do own a PS3. As far a PC games go, I'm not well versed mainly due to the fact that around the time of this post my 4 year old computer has about as many Giga Bytes left as it has years owned. Perhaps I'll go into more detail at a later date, but for now if you're really curious then you can check out my Backloggery to see what I got. More on that place later too.

Hmm... What else? Oh, I run my own Youtube channel where I post my random adventures while I play games. I like to show off simple things that are part of playing a game, not just a polished play-though (although I'm not opposed to such). I also work on a collaboratory channel called Yashichi, who may feature a few faces you'll see around the blog. Well, not their faces per se, but you know what I mean.

I'd say I'm a nerd I guess, though not in front of the public. Not because I'm embarrassed but more that people would think that my statement was a problem. As such most of my interests are kept on the "downlow", as the kids say, in my everyday life. I can tolerate immaturity, as long as it's intentional and not viewed by the immature as "sophisticated". Despite any complaining I may have, my life's pretty good 'round here. It's not perfect, but then again, few things are. I also can be very skeptical, but at the same time I often give people the benefit of the doubt. It's a situational thing I guess.

This is falling apart into random tid-bits, but we're not going to break continuity!

I hate thunderstorms. I use the internet often. I have an old jacket I wear throughout the year. I'm pretty good at editing videos. I sometimes throw a little French into my speech to mix things up. I live in the EST time zone. No you don't get anything more specific than that. I like Mega Man, Kirby, Mario, and sometime Legend of Zelda. I've run out of things to say for a bit so I better stop now or I never will.

Thanks for reading and don't worry, soon we'll get to the good stuff around here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. LEGEND OF ZELDA IS AMAZING! You should play it more often.

  3. @The Penguin I have been recently, Minish Cap has restored my interest, as well as how much you enjoy the Zelda games yourself.
