Sunday, February 5, 2012

Skill Level: Unknown

If any of you read my "yes I totally know it's a social network craze" Twitter account, then you are most likely aware of my current forays into Mega Man 5, my all time favorite Mega Man game.

While my analysis of Mega Man 5 will surely come at some later date (or dates, I've got quite a lot to say when that time rolls around), today I'd like to share with you a small secret: I think I'm getting good at this game.

You may ask why I only think that I'm good at the game and that's a completely legitmate question. Now allow me to give you the answer even if you don't care. Cause you came to my blog, and you must pay the penalty.

You see, when I made my first attempt to display my talent to the interwebz in my now unfinished Let's Play of Mega Man 5, I thought I was good at MM5. But the reason I'm not giving you a hyper-link to these videos is because I have come under the realization that I was not, in fact, good at MM5 yet. (P.S. MM5= Mega Man 5). I had made very few ventures into the castle stages due to my nasty habit of playing the intial 8 over and over and over and come tumbling over...

Needless to say, once I hit the castle stages in my MM5 Let's Play things took a turn for the bitter as the failure became so immense that I gave up on Let's Plays for quite some time.

So what makes me even consider I am actually good now? Have I played through the castle stages more? (Yes) Am I more familiar with the weapons? (Yes and yes) Have I played the Robot Master stages more? (Yerp-a-derp). But the main reason, I got two words for you: Perfect Buster Runs.

Wait, that statement had two words when I thought it. Dang fickle brain, why do you torment me so?

Now, before you go singing my praises let me be clear: I can not perfect run MM5. I can only do individual runs of individual stages without getting hit, usually after some trial and error. I find this impressive, but MM5 is slightly notorious for being easy. Right now, I can beat Gravity, Gyro, and Star Man's stages without getting hit and using only the Mega Buster.

So what do you think? Am I skilled, or just full of myself?

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